Roof-Pro was delighted to be chosen to design and supply roof support frames for construction of a new 25,000 sq ft Waitrose superstore in High Wycombe. We provided supports for a packaged plantroom within the store as part of this major project.

Now open to customers, the new Waitrose store is one of the largest in the country. Located on Marlow Hill, it is included in the £150 million Handy Cross Hub development, alongside a new leisure centre and a Park & Ride service. In future, the site will also include a hotel and office blocks.

The store offers a full range of goods including fresh meat and fish. It also has a bakery and delicatessen counters and a wine department, as well as offering customers the ability to order goods from the John Lewis range via “click and collect”.

Waitrose, roof supports, High Wycombe

Packaged Plantroom

An important part of the store design was a packaged plantroom weighing 10,800kg. Because of its weight, it required detailed design to provide adequate support. Roof-Pro also supplied AHU supports weighing 1500kg each. We succeeded in meeting tight deadlines for design and overcame logistical hurdles to the site.

Our area sales manager, Jimi Ogunsola, worked closely together with our installer for this project, Kershaw Mechanical of Cambridge, and the main contractor, RG Group, which is based in Kent.

Using Roof-Pro’s non-penetrative supports prevented any damage being caused to the roof membrane and structure, while our pivoting bases allowed adjustment to guard against falls on the roof.

Technical Support

Roof-Pro provided a range of technical support services, which started with surveying, as we paid a visit to the client’s office to evaluate needs and discuss the requirements for the project in detail.

We then provided a detailed quotation and estimate, including relevant designs. We conducted an engineering assessment which was based on the increased weight of the Waitrose packaged plantroom.

This ensured that the correct number of beams were utilised to ensure stability and load management on-site.

Waitrose store

Warrantied System

The client needed assurances over the design of the system, and our warrantied system gave them the confidence they required. Roof-Pro offers a unique 3 Point Certification, which covers stability of clients’ services, load management and building clearance. A whole range of different factors are taken on board to ensure our supports fit the specific site, meeting all safety requirements and enabling future roofing maintenance.

This was a project presenting specific demands because of the weight of the packaged plantroom and logistical requirements involving access. We ensured that all the components were delivered as required, so that the construction work could be completed successfully.

Waitrose High Wycombe, roof supports


Roof-Pro Systems

Roof-Pro are experts in supplying roof support frames for construction projects, offering a wide range of quality standard components. We also specialise in designing supports for individual installations and sites and are highly experienced in working closely with contractors to provide bespoke solutions.

To find out more about products and services from Roof-Pro, follow the link or you can call us on 03335 771500.